Advanced Localisation and Navigation


Our system can be adapted to work in any device without re-training and can be extended to multiple visual sensor streams.

Advanced technology

Our system harnesses the power of the latest AI and Machine Learning techniques to ensure unmatched reliability in localisation.

Future of navigation

We envision a world where reliable geo-localisation is accessible and affordable, regardless of the availability of GPS systems​.
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Probability based search

ALaN assesses the entire observed space, allowing for downstream analysis of multiple points of reference.


The Team

Odigia is made up of a small team of dedicated software and hardware engineers, as well as a Defence consultant. Based in the London area.

What we are aiming for

Our Advanced Localisation and Navigation [ALaN] allows system agnostic integration of GPS denied navigation into micro UAV platforms. This facilitates the safe and reliable operation of systems across a new domain of operations